Publications in Peer-reviewed International Journals
34. Tilhou N…, Narayanan S., …., Riday H. 2025. Hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) germplasm contains a cryptic second species (Vicia varia Host). Crop Science 65:e21455.
33.Spivey W.W., St Aime R., Sherer T., Zimmerman P., Kuraparthy V., Narayanan S. 2024. Physiological characterization of leaf-shape isolines of upland cotton. Agronomy Journal. In press.
32. Toyinbo J.O, Saripalli G., Ingole H.P., Jones Z.T., Naveed S., Noh E., Narayanan S., Rustgi S. 2025. Impact of mutations in soybean oleate and linoleate desaturase genes on the germinability of seed from heat-stressed plants at the anthesis stage. Crops. 5, 2.
31. Kakati J.P., Fallen B., Armstrong P., Yan S., Bridges W.C., Narayanan S. 2024. High-protein soybean lines with stable seed protein content under heat and drought stresses. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. 18:101469.
30. Holladay S.K., Plumblee M.T.*, Jones M.A., Narayanan S., Inman M.D., and Marshall M. 2024. Can cotton seed size mitigate preemergence herbicide injury? Crop, Forage, & Turfgrass Management. 10:e20286​​​​​​​.
29Ghimire O.P., Spivey W.W., Kuraparthy V., Campbell B.T., Jones M., Thomas J., Bridges W.C., Narayanan S.* 2024. Phenotypic variability in the U.S. upland cotton core set for root traits and water use efficiency at the late reproductive stage. Crop Science. 64:1831–1845.
28. Holladay S.K., Plumblee M.T*., Marshall M., Jones M.A., Narayanan S. 2024. Determining the optimum planting date by maturity group combination for soybean produced in South Carolina. Crop, Forage, & Turfgrass Management. 10, e20270.
​27. Rustgi S*., Kakati J.P., Narayanan S. 2024. Shaping plant architecture for improved productivity: Strigolactones and beyond. Advances in Agronomy. 186:1-50.
26. Spivey W.W., Rustgi R., Welti R., Roth M.R., Burow M.D., Bridges Jr. W.C., Narayanan S*. 2023. Lipid Modulation contributes to heat stress adaptation in peanut. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14, 1299371.
25. St Aime R., Bridges W.C., Jr., Narayanan S.* 2023. Interseeded cover crops did not reduce the performance of silage corn in the sandy loam soils of South Carolina. Agrosystems Geosciences and Environment. 6:e20364. 
24. St Aime R., Bridges W.C., Jr., Narayanan S*. 2023. Single- and multi-species cover crops can reduce weed presence and improve soil health without depleting soil water in the Southeastern clayey soils. Agronomy Journal 115:242-260.

23. Kakati J.P., Fallen B., Bridges W.C., Jr., Narayanan S*. 2022. Characterization of a soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) population for germination and seedling root traits under water stress. Agronomy 12: 1944.

22. Noh E., Fallen B., Payero J., Narayanan S.* 2022. Parsimonious root systems and better root distribution can improve biomass production and yield of soybean. PLOS ONE 17(6): e0270109.

21. Kakati J.P., Zoon Lwe Z., Narayanan S*. 2022. Heat stress during the early flowering stage did not affect seed fatty acid contents in conventional oleic peanut varieties. Peanut Science 49(1): 63-69.

20. St Aime R., Noh E., Bridges W.C., Jr., Narayanan S*. 2022. A comparison of drill and broadcast planting methods for biomass production of two legume cover crops. Agronomy 12:79.

19. Rustgi S., Kakati J.P., Jones Z.T., Zoong Lwe Z., Narayanan S. 2021. Heat tolerance as a function of membrane lipid remodeling in the major US oilseed crops (soybean and peanut). Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 30:652-667. Invited Review.

18. Zoong Lwe Z., Sah S., Persaud L., Li J., Gao W., Reddy K.R.*, Narayanan S*. 2021. Alterations in the leaf lipidome of Brassica carinata under high temperature stress. BMC Plant Biology 21:404.

17. St Aime R., Rhodes G., Jones M., Campbell B.T., and Narayanan S*. 2021. Evaluation of root traits and water use efficiency of different cotton genotypes in the presence or absence of a soil-hardpan. The Crop Journal 9:945-953. 
16. Zoong Lwe, Z.S., Welti R., Naveed S., Rustgi S., Anco, D., and Narayanan, S*. 2020. Heat stress elicits remodeling in the anther lipidome of peanut. Scientific Reports 10: 22163. 
15. Djanaguiraman M., Narayanan, S., Erdayani E., Prasad P.V.V. 2020. Effects of high temperature stress during anthesis and grain filling periods on photosynthesis, lipids and grain yield in wheat. BMC Plant Biology 20:268 .
14. Narayanan, S*. Zoong Lwe Z.S., Gandhi N., Welti R., Fallen B., Smith J.R., and Rustgi S*. 2020. Comparative lipidomic analysis reveals heat stress responses of two soybean genotypes differing in temperature sensitivity. Plants 9(4): 457.
11. Fried, H., Narayanan, S.*, and B. Fallen. 2019. Evaluation of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] genotypes for yield, water use efficiency, and root traits. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0200463.
10. Fried, H., Narayanan, S.*, and B. Fallen. 2018. Characterization of a soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) germplasm collection for root traits. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0200463.
9. Narayanan, S.*, P.V.V. Prasad*, and R. Welti. 2018. Alterations in wheat pollen lipidome during high day and night temperature stress. Plant, Cell and Environment 41:1749–1761.
8. Narayanan, S.* 2018. Effects of high temperature stress and traits associated with tolerance in wheat. Open Access Journal of Science 2:177-186. Invited Review.
7. Narayanan, S.*, P.J. Tamura, M.R. Roth, P.V.V. Prasad*, and R. Welti. 2016. Wheat leaf lipids during heat stress: I. High day and night temperatures result in major lipid alterations. Plant, Cell and Environment 39:787-803.
6. Narayanan, S.*, P.V.V. Prasad*, and R. Welti. 2016. Wheat leaf lipids during heat stress: II. Lipids experiencing coordinated metabolism are detected by analysis of lipid co-occurrence. Plant, Cell and Environment 39:608-617.
5. Narayanan, S., P.V.V. Prasad*, A.K. Fritz, D.L. Boyle, and B.S. Gill. 2015. Impact of high night-time and high daytime temperature stress on winter wheat. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 201:206-218.
4. Narayanan, S., A. Mohan, K.S. Gill, and P.V.V. Prasad*. 2014. Variability of root traits in spring wheat germplasm. PLoS ONE 9(6): e100317.
3. Narayanan, S., and P.V.V. Prasad*. 2014. Characterization of a spring wheat association mapping panel for root traits. Agronomy Journal 106:1593–1604.
2. Narayanan, S.*, R. Aiken, P.V.V. Prasad, Z. Xin, G. Paul, and J. Yu. 2014. A simple quantitative model to predict leaf area index in sorghum. Agronomy Journal 106:219-226.
1. Narayanan, S.*, R. Aiken, P.V.V. Prasad, Z. Xin, and J. Yu. 2013. Water and radiation use efficiencies in sorghum. Agronomy Journal 105:649-656. 
*Corresponding author

Published Refereed Book Chapters
​2. Narayanan, S. 2020. Membrane fluidity and compositional changes in response to high temperature stress in wheat. In: Physiological, molecular, and genetic perspectives of wheat improvement. Mohan A. and Wani S.H. Eds. Springer-Nature. (Invited book chapter)
1. Prasad P.V.V., J.M.G. Thomas, and . 2016. Plants and environment: global warming effects. In: Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences. 2nd edition (Eds. B. Thomas, B.G. Murray, and D.J. Murphy). Elsevier, London, U.K. pp 289-299.

Teaching Publications
​1.  Narayanan S.* 2024. Customizing course content to meet student needs. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service, Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension; LGP OTLS 1198.
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